Friday, April 8, 2011

O Henry

     I cant (but definitely can!) wait to have kids. I have always felt so bad getting paid to babysit because to me I'm getting paid to play! Kids make me so happy and what i love most about them is how it takes nothing to make them so happy :) for example i was babysitting the cutest little boy today and all we did was just scream at the top of our lungs and run back and forth in the garage banging into walls! it was hilarious and i even thoroughly enjoyed myself. He was having so much fun and would literally have to stop because he was laughing so much he couldn't catch his breath.  Also later after giving him a bath i was getting him dressed in his PJ's and he went into the closet and climbed up on a box with a big fluffy pillow on it and started to "fake snore" after i started laughing he stuck his up and started saying "funny! funny! " oh how i love you Henry! 
       I believe we can learn so much from little kids and that we need to bring out that little child in us the little child that doesn't judge anyone, sees everybody as there best friend, the little child that doesn't need t.v or Disney Land but truly not much to have a blast, the little child that truly enjoys every bit and piece of life. I love kids and love playing with them and cant wait to one day have my own. For now though ill just stick with babysitting and playing with my nephews and nieces because there amazing!!! :) 


  1. Little children are a lot fun! I love Henry also - I get to play with him in nursery each week :)

  2. Hey Peanut, I did know you had a blog. It's great!! Love you Grandpa
